Friday, January 13, 2012

A Game of Thrones

I should write on here more often. Obviously for my own benefit, since no one will really read it (which is good). I'm not good at 'critiquing' literature and stuff. I know what I love and what's just ok I guess. I've missed the opportunity to bounce my own thoughts off the wall on so many books! I guess now is a good as time as any to get back into it.

Anyway, I started reading A Game of Thrones yesterday morning (by George R.R. Martin). So far it is VERY GOOD. I'm not at the 'THIS COMPLETELY RULES' phase yet, but I think I will get there.

I don't know if it's just me, but I keep finding that sometimes I have no clue who/what the author is talking about. I feel like sometimes the characters are introduced in ways that are too roundabout for me to grasp. Or a name or expression is thrown in there that I don't catch onto fully. Usually I don't have this issue. Most fantasy novels use this technique to pull you into the world they have created. Hoping to get more into the groove of this guy's use of language.

Whatevs. Pretty pumped on this book, it already made me afraid of its characters and stuff and I'm only 37 pages in.

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