Thursday, December 4, 2008

The Wayfarer Redemption

Definitely my newest favorite fantasy book outside of the Golden Compass, Harry Potter, and LOTR...those are my top three untouchables.
Anyway- this story was amazing, and it is a series which I LOVE. It's got some romance, but mostly just really awesome characters and a story line that did not completely imitate Tolkien in terms of the fantasy world.
LOVE IT. Definitely going to read it again many times...


Sunday, November 2, 2008

Brisingr - Christopher Paolini

The third book of Inheritance in the series that started with Eragon. The last 50 pages of this book were great for me because of the emotional factor, and I tend to connect positively with books that evoke strong emotions (won't betray which kind) from me.
I did find myself getting very frustrated with this book though. One of the reasons was because I didn't realize there would be a 4th book, and could not understand why nothing was getting resolved for this 3rd. Mostly though, not a lot happened.
There was literally a point in the book that was so repetitive and long-winded that I actually skipped it (which I never ever do, especially to a series that I am loyal to). I really do think that only one major occurrence took place from page 1 to the end, and that was during the last 50 pages which I've already mentioned.

All-in-all it was just Good with a tinge of disappointment because I was expecting Awesome. I would say it was only about a 6 out of 10 and that's because I feel bad for rating it low. Of course, I am 20 years old and I think the target readers are probably in the 13-year age group.

I am starting (at this very moment) a book entitled Wayfarer Redemption by Sara Douglass. I've never read anything by her so I'm really looking forward to it:)
I'm also still working on Three Cups of Tea, but that could potentially continue as a work in progress through til the summer.


Saturday, August 30, 2008


Seriously good book here, people. Seriously.

Admittedly, I have avoided reading this book for the entire summer, for the fear that it would be too disturbing and disgusting for my emotional brain (ridiculously so) to appreciate. In my defense: My close friend who lent it to me was also the person who recommended reading A Clockwork Orange. For those of you who have read this book, perhaps you understand why my fears were justified.

Well anyway, I finally had nothing left to read (no more excuses!) so I picked up Perfume. It started off surprisingly slow, and came to a HURTLING halt by the end.

It isn't my favorite book (The Fountainhead/The Golden Compass), but I have never been able to apply the word sensational to anything I have ever read.

As a natural-born critic, and someone who is consistently hard to impress (I'm not saying you should try to impress me), this is a big deal.

Like, big deal.

All in all: read the book (please!!!!!) and then comment this post and tell me what you think.



Saturday, August 23, 2008


Okay, so I did borrow the book from my 12 year old sister, but it was about a 16 year old, making me only 4 years its senior.
Anyway, it's a good book and it took an interesting take on the whole "perfect futuristic society without our version of mankind" thing.
To be honest, the position it took had a lot of creativity and didn't seem to borrow from books like 1984, Anthem, or Farenheit 451.
Also, it was nice on my brain after the long haul of The Fountainhead. Plus I've always been a sucker for sci-fi fantasy, and this fell nicely into that category.

Friday, August 22, 2008

The Fountainhead

Read it. Whether you like Ayn Rand or not, read this book. Take your time if you have to, or rush through it, because yeah it's long. But so worth it.
Or at least skip to almost toward the end when the main character Howard Roark is in a court room speaking. I won't mention why, just in case, and also because I have hope that one of my readers (which is no one but myself) will read this book.

Awesome enough to have a definite impact on how I view most things, and not in that way where the author is on some religious journey and tries to make you feel bad about yourself and your lifestyle and wants you to change.

This book is basically preaching that "selfishness" is a good thing and that our society wrongfully teaches all of us to feel bad about making ourselves happy. When really, anyone who can achieve self happiness independent of everyone else is the person who keeps life moving.

Which sounds so confusing and dumb coming from my hands, so just read the book.