Saturday, August 30, 2008


Seriously good book here, people. Seriously.

Admittedly, I have avoided reading this book for the entire summer, for the fear that it would be too disturbing and disgusting for my emotional brain (ridiculously so) to appreciate. In my defense: My close friend who lent it to me was also the person who recommended reading A Clockwork Orange. For those of you who have read this book, perhaps you understand why my fears were justified.

Well anyway, I finally had nothing left to read (no more excuses!) so I picked up Perfume. It started off surprisingly slow, and came to a HURTLING halt by the end.

It isn't my favorite book (The Fountainhead/The Golden Compass), but I have never been able to apply the word sensational to anything I have ever read.

As a natural-born critic, and someone who is consistently hard to impress (I'm not saying you should try to impress me), this is a big deal.

Like, big deal.

All in all: read the book (please!!!!!) and then comment this post and tell me what you think.



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