Wednesday, April 8, 2009

The War On Choice: Discussion 2

Over the past couple of days, I've been trying to write down any interesting quotes, facts that I'm not sure about, and new information I have learned from The War on Choice.
I've been flying through the book and I'm already almost halfway done because I have enjoyed it so much.
Writing things down as I read them has helped me to absorb more information, or at least given me the opportunity to recall anything that I may have forgotten in my haste to move on to the next topic.

Below is one particular quote that I found to be of immense interest. The reason for this is that I am unsure of how much truth it holds, or whether or not the truth is being stretched here...
Read below::

" many religions, as I discuss below, the fetus is not considered a person until it has either "quickened'...or grown to viability-- the stage of which it could survive outside the woman's body."

When I mentioned earlier about my confusion over this statement, I was referencing the disbelief I have that this is the actual belief of any religion. As I understand it for many religions, or at least Catholicism, life begins at the moment of conception, not the moment of fertilization (I'm still not sure I even understand the difference between these two...) and not at quickening or viability stages. Quickening meaning when the mother begins to feel the child within the womb (ie- kicking) and viability is the stage at which the fetus can survive outside of the womb (primarily after the third trimester).
The quote above just seems ideally left-wing in a society that is almost completely right-wing where religion is concerned.

So, readers...wherever you are...if you can answer my questions: feel free. My main concern being which religions did Feldt mean in the above quote??
If I don't get a response, no worries- I'll answer the question for you.

Here's to next time!


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