Monday, January 26, 2009

The Fifth Sorceress

Biggest con about this book? The ridiculous amount of drama. Dare I say that I enjoyed (even loved) the book and sort of developed a hatred toward the author and his terrible writing style???? I do. Wow. Liberating.

Anyway, the book's storyline was almost on par with The Wayfarer's Redemption by Sara Douglass...which is a pretty huge deal for me in a great great way. However, if you don't appreciate violent sex and completely perverse characters, do not read this book. I'm not saying that it's anywhere near being A Clockwork Orange (which I suggest everyone do NOT read) but there are still some pretty harrowing scenes going on throughout the book.
Now, I was able to deal with the author's ridiculousness (sorry author!) but some of you may not be prepared to handle that either. If you hate seeing this sentence 20 times :: "What he saw next would change his life forever." and this sentence 73 times :: "He looked at Wigg with a look that left no room for argument (or even:: "Wigg looked at him with a look that left no room for argument." ... then I would highly suggest not reading this book.

If you can get over these things, as I did, then READ IT READ IT ABSOLUTELY READ IT. Who knows, maybe the next book in the series will show a great improvement in the author's writing? And so not only will you be reading a book, but also experience a life changing event in the realm of one author. I can't guarantee this though, since I haven't read the second book. But I will do!

So The Fifth Sorceress by Robert Newcomb will receive 3 1/2 stars from me (That's almost 4!)
